A Catalogue of Everyday Halaal Cooking.

Ghee Rice

For a richer chicken or meat curry experience, serve it with this rice.


1 1/2 cups white rice

1 1/2 tsp salt

1 cardamom pod

1 stick cinnamon

2 cloves

1/4 onion, finely sliced

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 Tbsp ghee

3 cups boiling water


In a heavy based oven-proof pot, heat ghee, and fry the onions with the spices until light brown.

Add water to the onions.  Rinse rice and add to pot with salt.

Bring to boil on high heat for 5 minutes – stir the rice to separate the grains.

Reduce heat to low, and cook for further 15 minutes.

Keep a check on the water, add more if needed.

Cover and cook in a moderate oven (180C) for 30 minutes.

Comments on: "Ghee Rice" (1)

  1. These sound great.. I heard somewhere that ghee rice is the rice of kings, especially if you use basmati.

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